Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
Green House
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Zentree Labs is striving to play its part in the Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge — which aims to take care of greenhouse crops virtually with no human involvement. These AI solutions can help grow more food with fewer resources and higher productivity. They can control the entire greenhouse system with minimal human intervention, adjusting the optimal levels of water, CO2, and energy for the crops. Explore our state-of-the-art AI technology for greenhouse automation!
Case Studies
Learning by Repetition

Learning by Repetition

AI-ML can help learn by repetition, optimize energy consumption, and automate tasks in the agricultural sector.
AI Makes Growing Precise

AI Makes Growing Precise

AI-ML can help grow plants precisely by predicting and controlling the greenhouse environment for production.
AI as Digital Assistant

AI as Digital Assistant

AI-ML can help as a digital assistant for the agricultural sector, providing predictions, comparisons, etc.
AI Stores Skills and Knowledge

AI Stores Skills and Knowledge

See how AI-ML can help store skills and knowledge for the agricultural sector, and reduce diseases and pests.